Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Bird & The Bean

I have been sewing stuff for awhile, it all started when a friend got pregnant. I made her little girl a really scary looking stuffed cat. I wouldn't even play with it!
I did horribly in Home Economics in Jr high school, but after much time and reading, I discovered that my teacher was wrong...I can sew!
It started the ball rolling and as more and more friends and family started having kids I kept making more and more things. People often asked if I had made these things for my kids,
I don't have any kids of my own, turns out I can not make them.
So instead I started sewing these goods out of the love and desire to see kids in them!
I now have a shop up and at 'em and I thought it was about time to show the down and dirty reality of what my day to day is.

I quit my job in the Customer Service field, as I was being screamed at for too long (8years) and with the encouragement of my husband and parents I went back to pursuing my real love.
The art of making things...drawing, printing, sewing, crafting and gardening.

I have started a kids clothing line: The Bird & The Bean

I work at what use to be my kitchen table and make things for days on end, then use my family and friends kids as models and try to sell the goods.
I will be starting a webshop that sells my fine art soon, but today I have special orders up to my ears and I need to get those all done so I can see straight.

I hope that someone reads these...and gets some joy from them.
Hello out there!!

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